Constructive criticism: creating positive behaviour at work places
Criticism, Feedback, Acceptance, Emotional-well-being, Personal-growth, Business organisationResumo
The world around is entirely and universally reliant on the reviews and opinions of others. These opinions are a result of either judgement or biasness. The opinions when given may or may not be accepted as one of the many innate qualities of human beings is that they dislike when they are told they are wrong. Feedback or criticism as a form of communication is present in every context and in every practice. At work places too, feedback plays a pivotal role that determines organisational behaviour. The manner criticism is given or received impacts in great measure the communication pattern that is the lifeblood of an organisation. This paper studies the pattern of sending and receiving constructive criticism and primarily emphasizes on the ability to accept criticism as one of the important soft skills criteria that serves a purpose to bring better results mainly at workplaces to boost personal growth and professional development.
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