Paving pathways to the practice theory in consumer studies: preparing theoretical propositions
Marketing, Consumption, Practice TheoryResumo
Objective of the study:
This essay aims to contribute to the field of consumer studies by bringing an analysis scheme containing an integrative view of the dimensions and elements of social practices from the founders of the Practice Theory.
The theoretical foundation of the work focused on three points. The first one sought to discuss the context of practice theory in the scope of social sciences with input from its main authors. The second point commented on the components of the practice. Finally, the third point focused on the relationship between practice theory and consumer studies.
Originality / Relevance:
An analysis scheme that proposes to treat practices as an entity and performance, elements of the nexus, objects, actions and doings was not found in the literature.
Main results:
The essay sought to create a scheme to assist in its understanding, as well as to be used in empirical research by other researchers. The propositions created here are based on the bibliographic review, and can be explored by future works.
Theoretical / methodological contributions:
The intersections of social practices with consumption studies were scored so that the essay could end with theoretical propositions (P1 to P4) that could serve as starting points for studies that seek to use this research strategy. As a contribution to consumption studies, the scheme developed fills the gap of an analysis tool that takes into account the dimensions and elements of social practices.
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