Typology as a Theory Building Tool in Management
typology, Classification, Management, Theory Building.Resumo
Classification (in general) and typology (in particular) are processes that run in all aspects of human life. Human beings are daily confronted with multiple and varied data, and in order to accelerate decision-making, categorize amorphous data, organize their environment, and respond to external stimuli based on knowledge of each category. the purpose of classification is ultimately to obtain a typology or taxonomy. Typology alone is not a research method, and in most of the studies reviewed there has been an auxiliary tool alongside formal research methods. The tendency to use quantitative methods as auxiliary methods of typology is surprising, since we have introduced typology as a concept-based method, while most of the methods used to construct those methods are quantitative. This suggests that there is not yet a complete consensus on the typology of construction. Transparency in typology construction methods can lead to greater use of typology.
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