Economic price determination of technological products for market entry considering the concept of uncertainty
Economic price, Technological products, Branch pricing, Exclusive selling, Theory of queue, Instability, Stable model of Mulvey.Resumo
One of the important issues in relation with pricing is the type of customers. In this case we should answer this question that if the costumers’ attitude is the same as they face with price of products or they act differently? It is clear that in most cases, customers’ reaction is different as they face with price, so it is needed to separate the market and have flexibility in prices. Also there is something important which has main role in today’s markets which it is paying attention to customers’ needs and providing situations for saving time for reaching the goods. So this research is going to present a mathematical model for the issue of pricing of selling of technological products in a unit of chain store. The issue of queue and its parameters are a subject which lack of it is understandable is you are searching for location and pricing, in a way that they affect the selling’s effectiveness and efficiency. The entrance of this issue to the researches causes their closeness and lucrativeness in the real world. So in the present issue for increasing the lucrativeness, we consider this subject from the point of view of queue too. For this purpose, at first, a location finding mathematical model for pricing according to the way of branch pricing and in an exclusive market for technological products, presented in a stable situation, and for the purpose of expanding he model for unreal situations, and making them close to real situations, by the help of stable model of Mulvey in the unfix condition will be developed which on the base of library sources in literature of this subject, it is a new subject .
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