Resistance to consumption and Veganism: A Study about Motivations, Values, and Feelings

Isabela Perez Campos Moreira, Claudia Rosa Acevedo


The purpose of this research is to study resistance to consumption as a recent phenomenon designed to bring about changes in societal values and consumptio habits. Specifically the objective of this paper is to comprehend the way in which anti-consumption behavior relates to Veganism, analyze factors that motivate its practice, and record values and feelings associated with the acceptance of the movement.

This study utilized the ethnographic method of collection and analysis of data through participant observation with results showing the moral and ethical issues as the main reasons for adopting the vegan movement.  A sense of lack of consideration for the wellbeing of the animals and the planet as a whole is evident from the research. The intense bombardment of information through the media is also seen as an incentive for irrational and excessive consumption. As a result, large-scale marketing strategies are seen as mechanisms for manipulation and self-interest, seeking only to maximize demand for products and, consequently, financial profits.


Gestão; Marketing; Ciências Sociais

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Direitos autorais 2015 Revista Gestão & Tecnologia

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