Biomechanics in the fourth industrial revolution: developing a special mechanized prosthesis

Camila Maiara de Paulo, Lucas Daniel Moreira da Costa, Felipe Luz Oliveira, Victor Hugo Pancera Tedeschi, Victor Gonçalves Cremonez


Background of the study: The theme of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and specifically the fields of Biomechanics and Kinesiology has been an important, robust and timely segment, both in academic literature, as well as in technical and even business literature.

Theoretical contributions: From classical thinkers to contemporary researchers, this theme has been explored, providing contributions to different literatures, notably in the fields of health, industry and sport.

Objective: To develop the compaction of all components of the prosthesis such as protobord plates, Arduino plate, obtaining the technology intended for the optimal functioning of the organ, for the comfort and well-being of the wearer.

Materials and methods: The compaction of all components was developed as plates suitable for Biomechanics and Kinesiology, servo motors and microcontrollers that were used for the prosthesis operation, via 3D printer.

Results: The prosthesis was manufactured in a 3D printer with PLA filament, showing good resistance, allowing great durability of the material. The 3D project was developed by parts and printed individually and all programming of movements and voice command was developed on Arduino Uno® platform and servo motors. Subsequently transferred to Arduino Nano® reducing the size of the components and electronic circuits located in the forearm.

Contributions to knowledge: The work made it possible to contribute to the advancement of technological knowledge in this area.

Practical Contributions: The prosthesis has demonstrated its biomechanical and kinesiological viability, allowing the development of new technologies for industry and new businesses, as well as contributing to the well-being and comfort of people.

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