Theories, models, and frameworks for the use and acceptance of information and communication technologies

Ricardo Ken Fujihara, Lana Montezano, Solange Alfinito


This study reviews a chronological evolution of the main theories, models, and frameworks of information and communication technologies use and acceptance over the last 80 years. It was possible to identify fundamental variables related to the theme and the relationships between the developed works, promoting a better understanding of these studies' history and contributing to future research on the use of new technologies, especially after the disruptive scenario of 2020. We performed a literature review, identifying 19 studies over 80 years. The study includes seminal theories of communication, innovation, and human behavior, and those produced from the combination of previous models and cases in which models’ evolution allowed great explanatory power. The most applied ones are UTAUT and TAM. The study brings a complete look at the theories, favoring managerial applications in services and other fields.


Historical evolution; Technology use; Technology acceptance.

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Direitos autorais 2022 Revista Gestão & Tecnologia

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