
José Edson Lara


In the context of the “Knowledge Society” era and its results, directing the so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, and better, “New Social, Scientific and Technological Revolution”, it should be concerned about the expressive number of so-called contributions as "scientific", presented to the vast majority of journals. The profusion of truly scientific contributions in high-profile journals seems little to inspire candidates for entry into and sustenance in this world of knowledge production. It is clear that a significant portion of articles submitted for publication lacks essential foundations to contribute to the advancement of the state of the art in each area. Many articles indicate satisfaction in “discovering” and presenting superficial and obvious contents, as well as fragile, predictable methodologies that are tied to unrealistic and ambitious dogmas

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2019.v19i4.1785

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