Modeling the effectiveness of electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) systems: empirical evidence from Pakistan

Maryam Tariq, Ahmed Jamil, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, T. Ramayah


The purpose of this study is to find the relationship of service quality, loyalty, trust employee satisfaction and technology acceptance with the effectiveness of electronic customer relationship management. Organizations are introducing internet based technology to make their business convenient for the existing as well as potential customers and through their feedback also manage their performance. The research was conducted in the banking sector of Pakistan and data was collected from over 500 employees and customers including the top five banks of the country. The findings showed that only service quality and loyalty were the significant predictors of E_CRM system effectiveness. It is anticipated that results of this study will not only expand the scope of study for researchers at the academic level, but also may make policy makers and managers to realize the significance of E-CRM. Its implementation will ultimately result in achieving the higher level of customer satisfaction which is imperative in banking sector.

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