
José Edson Lara


Dear Reader,


According to Plato (Phaedo), "it seems to me that if there is something beautiful on the margins of the beautiful itself, it will not be beautiful for any other reason, except it partakes of that beauty." Thus, the beauty of scientific production is complemented in the integrity and integrality of scientific publication. The identity of the production is reflected in the image of the publication. However, the publication itself is endowed with its own identity and reflects in its image, in the context of the epistemological, theoretical, morphological, technological and metric density of the approaches, manifested in the specific aesthetics of a scientific text. Thus, the text must be endowed with scientific and technical density, but express an aesthetic that embodies the beauty of the world of science.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2017.v17i3.1266

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Direitos autorais 2017 Revista Gestão & Tecnologia

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