Innovation, science and technology in the USA: A sociocultural perspective

Reed Elliot Nelson


This essay is constructed around two assumptions.  First is that any analytical view of a culture must start from a position of marginality.  Only those who have left a system have the ability to interpret it.  This can be illustrated by the old adage that “Fish know nothing about water”.  Our understanding of a given environment begins only when we are exposed to stimuli different from those to which we are accustomed.  In my particular case, this is certainly true. What understanding I have of US culture, society and economy is intimately linked to my residential and travel experience outside of my country of birth, particularly Brazil and secondarily Asia, particularly Singapore and Hong Kong, and in Europe, Germany.  As a result this essay will attempt to advance insights about science, technology, and innovation in the USA by posing contrasts to other national experiences, particularly Brazil.

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Direitos autorais 2017 Revista Gestão & Tecnologia

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